Pre-planning a funeral makes a lot of sense because it will ensure that the people responsible for making the arrangements can carry out your wishes without any confusion.
When pre-planning a funeral there is quite a lot of information to be recorded and important choices made, regarding a funeral and your preferences.
Your input now can be a way of making a very difficult time as straight-forward and trouble-free as possible. Pre-arranging funerals and explaining all the funeral pre-payment options is a regular part of the services we offer.
Should you be considering or require further information regarding these matters, may we suggest you get in touch with us at your convenience.
Burnett Regional Funeral Services provides pre-organised, prepaid funeral arrangements in conjunction with Flexible Funeral Benefits Pty Ltd of Bundaberg.
Just ask for a further information on this service. Why not get a start and prepare now.
Companies that can assist with funeral bonds:

Flexible Funeral Benefits Pty Ltd
View the Brochure Here.

Sureplan Friendly Society

Foresters Friendly Society